2019-01-20 03:14:13 UTC
We were born with this scent.
Its been a be part of our male being.For centuries.
I find it be the most aroused scent i respond to.
An ancient smell,and combined with all natural male natural phermones
Smells ..allow me to get in,touch with deep male,connection .
athenntichttps://www.facebook.com/575622016241894/posts/587556355048460/hormonal smells. Is,the,reason why im gay.
The more natural man thatcis comfo
Its been a be part of our male being.For centuries.
I find it be the most aroused scent i respond to.
An ancient smell,and combined with all natural male natural phermones
Smells ..allow me to get in,touch with deep male,connection .
athenntichttps://www.facebook.com/575622016241894/posts/587556355048460/hormonal smells. Is,the,reason why im gay.
The more natural man thatcis comfo